The owner and administrator of the CosmoRob online store (hereinafter: online store) is Granep OÜ (registry code 14632152), legal address Tartu mnt 56-51, 10115 Tallinn, Harjumaa.

Validity of sales contract, product and price information

  1. The terms of sale apply to the purchase of goods from the online store.
  2. The prices of the products sold in the online store are indicated next to the products. The prices shown with the products include VAT.
  3. A delivery fee is added to the price, unless a free delivery campaign is indicated on the website. The delivery fee depends on the method of delivery. Delivery methods and fees are shown to the buyer when placing the order.
  4. Information about the goods is displayed in the online store directly next to the goods.

Order placement

  1. To order goods, add the desired products to the cart. To place an order, fill in the required fields and select a suitable delivery method. There are four payment methods:
    • Payment link: (Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Coop Pank, Luminor, Citadele, Revolut) Payments made via a payment link are intermediated by Montonio Finance OÜ. Payments via payment links are performed outside of the online store in the secure environment of the relevant bank. The online store does not have access to the customer’s bank details. The sales contract enters into force from the receipt of the amount payable in the bank account of the online store.
  1. The sales contract enters into force from the receipt of the amount payable in the bank account of the online store.
  2. If the ordered goods cannot be delivered due to being out of stock or for any other reason, the buyer will be notified at the earliest opportunity and the received payment (including delivery costs) will be returned to the buyer as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days of sending the notice.
  3. The owner of the online store, Granep OÜ, is the data controller and forwards personal data necessary for making payments to the data processor Montonio Finance OÜ.

Delivery conditions

  1. The goods are delivered:
    • to Estonia by parcel machine and courier service;
    • to Finland, Latvia and Lithuania by parcel machine service;
    • to the rest of the world by regular post or courier service.
  1. The delivery costs are borne by the buyer (unless stated otherwise) and the relevant price information is displayed next to the delivery method upon confirming the order.
  2. Deliveries in Estonia are generally delivered to the location specified by the buyer within 1–3 working days of the entry into force of the sales contract. Deliveries in Estonia are sent to the customer to the Omniva or Itella Smartpost parcel machine indicated in the order.
  3. The delivery time of deliveries abroad depends on the selected delivery method, ranging from two working days to 3–4 weeks. International deliveries are sent to the customer to the postal address indicated in the order using the services of Omniva, DHL Express, DHL Economy or DPD.
  4. In the case of goods sent abroad, the administrator of the online store has the right to repackage the goods or reduce the amount of packaging in order to optimise delivery costs.
  5. The goods are dispatched after receipt of the amount payable in the bank account of the online store and no later than the working day following the day of receipt.

Return policy

  1. After receiving the order, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract entered into with the online store within 14 days.
  2. The right of withdrawal does not apply to legal persons.
  3. In order to use the 14-day right of withdrawal, the ordered goods must not be used in any manner other than that which is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and function of the goods, similarly to what is allowed to test the goods at a physical store. This means that the returned goods must not show signs of use.
  4. If the goods have been used for purposes other than those necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and function of the goods, or if they have signs of use or wear, the online store has the right to reduce the refundable amount by the diminished value of the goods.
  5. In order to return the goods, an application of withdrawal must be submitted by email to
  6. The cost of returning the goods is borne by the buyer, except if the reason for the return is that the returned goods do not correspond to the order (e.g. wrong or defective product).
  7. The buyer must return the goods within 14 days of submitting the application or provide proof that they have handed over the goods to the carrier within this period.
  8. Upon receipt of the returned goods, the online store will refund to the buyer immediately, but no later than within 14 days of the receipt of the withdrawal application, all payments received from the buyer under the contract. If the customer withdraws from the contract in part, the delivery fee is refunded proportionally.
  9. The online store has the right to refuse to refund the buyer until the goods which are the object of the contract have been returned or until the buyer has provided proof that they have sent the goods back, whichever is the earliest.
  10. If the buyer has expressly opted for a delivery method other than the least expensive standard delivery method offered by the online store, the online store is not required to reimburse the buyer for the costs exceeding the standard delivery method. The initial delivery fee of orders placed outside the European Union is non-refundable.
  11. The online store has the right to withdraw from the sales transaction and require the buyer to return the goods if the price of the goods was marked significantly below the market value of the goods due to an error.

Right to file a complaint

  1. The online store is liable for any defects and non-conformities of the goods sold to the buyer that existed at the time of delivery and became apparent within two years of the delivery of the goods to the buyer. It is presumed that any defect which becomes apparent within six months of the delivery of the goods to the buyer already existed at the time of delivery. The rebuttal of this presumption is the duty of the online store.
  2. Upon discovery of a defect, the buyer has the right to contact the online store within two months at the latest by sending an email with a picture or pictures and a detailed description of the defect to
  3. The online store is not liable for defects that have occurred after the delivery of the goods to the buyer.
  4. If the goods purchased from the online store have defects for which the online store is liable, the online store will repair or replace the defective goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the online store will refund the buyer for all costs incurred under the sales contract. Full or partial reimbursement can only be claimed if the goods cannot be repaired or replaced.
  5. The online store replies to consumer complaints in writing or in a format reproducible in writing within 15 days.

Settlement of disputes

  1. Buyer complaints about the online store should be sent by email to 
  2. If the buyer and the online store are unable to settle the dispute by agreement, the buyer may turn to the Consumer Disputes Committee. The terms of procedure can be found and applications can be submitted here. The Consumer Disputes Committee has jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising from contracts concluded between the buyer and the online store. Buyer complaints are reviewed by the committee free of charge.
  3. Buyers may also turn to the consumer dispute resolution platform of the European Union.